Thursday, October 20, 2005

Unforgetable Spots in CoMO

1. International Center, N 52 Memorial Union
* Where the gossip starts among the super-gals: Christine, Jill, Ruth, Erika, Kandi, Katie
* Where I saw Taka for the 1st time ( not that it really matters, but you know ... )
* Where my 'college career' starts : IEW, Orientation, Voice of America, grant In Aid, Tiger
Global Scholarship

2. Fusion Brew Bubletea
* The place that heals me from my broken heart, sadness, tears, confusion, madness about
* The place where I spent my money the most (possibly)

3. Britt's, Alissa's, Robin's Apt - where the Dietetics & Halloween parties were held

4. Michael's & Hobby Lobby - the place where I belong

5. Cooper's Landing - the only Thai food by the river

6. Brady Food Court
* The longest job I've ever had (3 years... no kidding !)
* Campus Dining Scholarship, interviewed by MIZZOU Magazine (about student job),
Campus Dining ads
* Where everyone actually knows I have a unique style in bowling

7. La Burgouise Winery - where I had my 1st alcoholic drink ! Thanks to Jeni.

8. Boone Hospital - where I treated like a real Dietitian ! They made me a farewell party, too !

9. Eva J's Dining Hall, Great Wall, Cici Pizz, Arya's old apt - where Ruth, Arya, Amel & I spend
quality time

10. Katy Trail - the place to go to when I am bored

11. Cherry Street Artisan - where the girls were "cursed" & suddenly having trouble with their

12. Memorial Union - Comedy Wars & business plan with Britt & Amanda

13. Jesse Wrench Auditorium every Tues nite - Chi Alpha !!!

14. Brady TA - where I spend time when I get mad & overwhelmed. Yes, I bowled !!

15. Super Walmart - the BEST thing that has ever happened to CoMo.


At 1:02 AM, Blogger DSantoso said...

Cepat pulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang....
Kapan nih D&B nyaaaaaaaaa

At 10:33 PM, Blogger DSantoso said...

Bosen neeeeeeeeeeeeeeh..........



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