I wanna be a cool a gal.
No. No. That doesn't sound right.
I want PEOPLE TO THINK I am cool.
Whoa, whoa. Hold on.
I do not even know what "cool" really means.
So I look around.
The drunk girl.
The social butterfly.
The grunge or gothic looking.
The "I am going to skip class" girl.
The pot-addict, smoker, & drug-addict.
Are they cool ???
If they are not, why do people love them ???
And why do they not love me ???
Am I not cool ???
Then I am thinking.
Maybe it's ok to skip class once in a while
although there is no reason to.
Maybe it's ok to be a party animal
especially when it's thrown by the cool gal
Maybe it's ok to try the extreme : smoking pot or trying drugs.
Then I am thinking again.
I do not think these stuffs are cool.
Thus, it remains a BIG question mark :
Am I cool ???