Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Remember You

Tonight I remember you
A slight of your face
A hint of your smile

Tonight I remember you
The sound of your laughter
The warmth of your hug

Tonight I remember you
but there's nothing I can do


Beberapa hari ini Ika pusing
bukan gara2 orang rumah pada bising
Tapi gara2 summer ga jelas
trus duit abis molo padahal udah kerja keras

Trus malem ini Ika dateng Chi Alpha
& Tuhan ingetin untuk bertobat
hari ini Ika ampir bikin dosa
ngga ucap syukur buat setiap berkat

Kadang2 Ika mau buru-buru
pengen semua beres tepat waktu
tapi most of the time
waktu Ika bukan waktunya Tuhan

Terus hari ini Ika ingat
kapan sih Tuhan pernah terlambat
walopun kadang waktunya mepet
Tapi apa yang Ika minta selalu dapet

Kadang2 Tuhan izinkan Ika susah
supaya next time Ika bisa kasih bantuan
buat temen2 laen yang punya masalah
kan judulnya memulihkan untuk dipulihkan

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Twinkle Twinkle little star
You should know what you are
And once you know what you are
Mental hospital is not so far

The rain makes all things beautiful
The grass and flowers too
If rain makes all things beautiful
Why doesn't it rain on you?

I wrote your name on sand it got washed
I wrote your name in air, it was blown away
Then ~I wrote your name on my heart
& I got Heart Attack

God saw me hungry, he created pizza
He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi
He saw me in dark, he created light
He saw me without problems, he created you

When ur life is in darkness pray to God
Ask him to free u from darkness
And if after you pray and you're still in darkness
Please pay your ELECTRICITY BILL!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

No Brainer

You're a no brainer
You're a heart breaker
the minute you left her
you instantly hooked up with another

She's a no brainer too
'coz she completely trusted you
You said you loved her
and would die for her
but I know you're just a liar
there's no such thing as forever

Now I'm just an outsider
but if you'd ever get close to her
I swear I'm gonna take you down
until you fall onto the ground

Thursday, April 13, 2006


You are under my love spell
You had tried to walk away
but always failed

You are drunk from my love potion
You had tried to get over your passion
yet still I can control your emotion

You are under my love spell
and you know there's no such thing as a farewell


Apa sih ini, gw juga ga tau. Cuma ngasal doank ;p

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

when ?

When life was stable
I asked You for an excitement
When life is full of trouble
I blamed You for giving me punishment

Oh Lord when can I understand You ?
Just too mysterious to be true

Monday, April 10, 2006

Aaaaaaaargh !

Never have I thought to be law breaker
it just happened as an accident
1st violation, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, never know when it's gonna end
just seems like it's never over

Oh God please help
just not quite sure what I've done wrong
Oh God please help
for me to finish strong

Society sucks !

things do not appear like we expected
sh*t happen along the road

then most of the time
we feel neglected or rejected
just because it doesn't match the social code

only 1% of the time
we feel respected
coz our decision goes aboard

How to live my life

I forgot
living a life without God
is like walking without a sight
or working without any light

I forgot
going through every single day with God
is an extraordinary excitement
viewing life as an honorable assignment

And now I remember
His house is always better
than anything this world can offer

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Taking a break from poetry

I finally will get a new bumper. In an expensive way. And not a good one, either.

This week has been tough.

April's Fool's day finally came back to me. Hit me HARD.
I lost my front bumper. No more taking Ruth to the airport.
No more hanging out unless it's within 10 mile.

Sucks. I love driving. I love road trip. And now I am too scared to drive.
Too traumatic to hit the road on my own.
Too afraid to see a stop sign.

And yeah, I'm getting a new bumper.
The only good thought that keeps me alive.
Other than that, I sing Daniel Powter's "Bad Day" every minute.